CAx25L1Socket Class

The CAx25L1Socket class is a representation of the communication layer 1 and it realises connection to a hardware device.

Header: #include „cax25_l1socket.h“

qmake: QT += core


Detailed Description


The CAx25L1Socket class is a representation of the communication layer 1 and it realises connection to a hardware device. Creating an object of this class opens a new port for AX.25 connections. Three types of layer 1 realisations are possible

  • serial kiss interface to a TNC
  • 6pack interface to a TNC / PR430
  • axudp to tunnel AX.25 pakets over an IP network

After creating an layer 1 object one3 can get a pointer to a frame scheduler object by CAX25FrameSchedule* GetScheduler( void ). This frame scheduler connects an AX.25 server or AX.25 socket with the created hardware port.

Member Type Documentation

enum CAx25L1Socket::TLayer1Type

This enum is used with the constructor. The following types are available:

  • l1_no
  • l1_kiss
  • l1_6pack
  • l1_axudp

Member Function Documentation

CAx25L1Socket::CAx25L1Socket( TLayer1Type enType, const QString &SPeerAddress, int iPeerPort, int iMyPort )

Constructs a CAx25L1Socket object. The layer 1 type is given by enType. The meeing the following parameter depends on the layer 1 type.

enType = l1_kiss

Currently the kiss interface is not yet implemented.

enType = l1_6pack

currently the 6pack interface is not yet implemented.

enType = l1_axudp

SPeerAddress is the hostname or ip address of the peer for the AX.25 over UPD tunneling. iPeerPort is the port number of the peer UDP server and iMyPort is the Port number for incomming UDP frames.

CAx25L1Socket::TLayer1Type CAx25L1Socket::GetLayer1Type( void ) const

GetLayer1Type returns the layer 1 type of the current object.

int CAx25L1Socket::GetudpPort( void ) const

returns the port number of incomming UDP frames.

QString CAx25L1Socket::GetPeerAddress( void ) const

returns the host name of the peer host.

int CAx25L1Socket::GetPeerPort( void ) const

returns the port number of the peer host.

CAx25FrameSchedule* CAx25L1Socket::GetScheduler( void )

returns a pointer to a frame scheduler object. This is needed for construction of AX.25 server and AX.25 sockets.

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